
lunedì 9 settembre 2024

Equinoccio de Otoño - Solo show in Palma de Mallorca at Kaplan Gallery

OPENING 19 SEP 2024 h.19:30

"Equinoccio de otoño"
- “Autumn Equinox,” 108's new exhibition, offers a visual reflection on the cycle of nature and our often unconscious connection to it. The autumnal equinox marks a moment of perfect balance between light and dark, between the masculine and the feminine, an instant when day and night come into balance before the natural world begins its transition into shadow.

All the works presented in this exhibition are new, created between late spring and summer 2024. They are works that, while maintaining the artist's typical abstraction, evoke a sense of waiting, reflected in the colors and shapes used.

Kaplan Gallery
De lunes a sábado bajo cita previa
Mateo Obrador 8 - Palma

sabato 3 agosto 2024

NEW BOOK: "Scritti per 108 - Writings for 108" by Domenico Russo - Silvana Editoriale 2024


Writings for 108
Eternal obscure permanence

Author: Domenico Russo
Binding: Paperback with flaps
Size: 17 x 24 cm
Pages: 152
Illustrations: 135
Language: Italian, English
Year: 2024

giovedì 4 luglio 2024

PITTORI D’ITALIA - Antonio Colombo Arte Contemporanea - Milano

May 28 – July 19, 2024

Opening: Tuesday May 28th, 2024 from 6.00 p.m.

Giovani, giovanissimi… anzi maturi

108 (Guido Bisagni)
Nicola Caredda
El Gato Chimney
Jacopo Ginanneschi
Agnese Guido
Dario Maglionico
Fulvia Mendini
Riccardo Nannini
Silvia Negrini
Silvia Paci
Paolo Pibi
Melania Toma

curated by Ivan Quaroni

Painting is back in vogue in Italy. This is borne out by the many exhibitions of this medium in art galleries and institutional events, which nevertheless focus more on quantity than quality. Attempts are made to map the new generations, seeking ties with immediately previous traditions, trying – somewhat arduously, to be honest – to identify recurring themes and images. But painting is a difficult art. “The problem with painting (the most difficult of all the arts),” wrote Giorgio de Chirico, “cannot be resolved with small talk and slapdash attitudes.” Mastery of painting calls for sacrifice and hard work, and therefore a good criterion on which to base the selection of today’s paintings should not be based only on demographic factors, but also on quality.

Very well then. But how can we define quality in painting? And above all, who can define painting itself? “We live in a country where everyone thinks they know something about painting, and can thus have their say.” So opined Federico Zeri, according to whom “it is very frequent, in our land, to talk about works of art without a sufficient background, without having trained the gaze to interpret the figurative substance.” Add to all this the situation of favor accorded to painting in the coverage of current trends, which has inevitably produced new ranks of disciples – not only among the younger artists, but even among the gallerists (suddenly bedazzled on the road to Damascus) and the curators à la page (who swear that from the outset they have been vigorous defenders of a centuries-old practice) – managing to make a selection, to separate (as they say) the wheat from the chaff, becomes a truly daunting challenge. Nevertheless, if the operation is conducted by a gallery like that of Antonio Colombo, which since 1998, the year of its founding, has hosted exhibitions of the finest Italian painters, and a curator – like the undersigned – who has never made a mystery of his obsessive taste for paintings and painters, something good might come to pass.

With the rather pompous title of Pittori d’Italia and the ironic subtitle Giovani, giovanissimi… anzi maturi [Young, very young… even mature] – a tribute to the shrewdness of Ennio Flaiano and his famous paradox (definitely, absolutely… even probably), with which the writer and journalist from Abruzzo indicated the blurry boundary between truth and falsehood – we have gathered twelve young and not-so-young Italian painters, in a pithy compendium. An exhibition that does not set out to be the three-dimensional version of an atlas, an almanac or an ambitious register of new painting in the Belpaese, but instead a very secular Book of Hours, with twelve artists who could not be more different from one another, embodying their devotion to the most ancient of visual languages.

They arrive from various regions of Italy, and some live or have lived abroad, demonstrating that an Italian genome of painting does exist, which cannot help but be spurious, contaminated, hybrid. No genius loci and certainly no definition of a presumable “sovereigntist” painting (as someone has tried to proclaim) can describe the complex circumstances that have contributed to their growth. Luckily, no painter whose art is inwardly Italian has ever had to produce citizenship papers. We should remember that Giorgio de Chirico painted his “Piazze d’Italia” from the banks of the Seine, which made him no less Italian, though he wasn’t even born in this country.

108 (Guido Bisagni, Alessandria, 1978), Nicola Caredda (Cagliari, 1981), El Gato Chimney (Milan, 1981), Jacopo Ginanneschi (Grosseto, 1987), Agnese Guido (Lecce, 1982), Dario Maglionico (Naples, 1986), Fulvia Mendini (Milan, 1966), Riccardo Nannini (Grosseto, 1980), Silvia Negrini (Sondrio, 1982), Silvia Paci (Prato, 1990), Paolo Pibi (Oristano, 1987) e Melania Toma (Vicenza, 1996) are artists who represent a variegated congeries of styles, leanings that extend across the entire expressive spectrum of painting, as in a zodiac where each of the twelve houses corresponds to a distinctive method or mood in the range of forms between figuration and abstraction.

lunedì 18 marzo 2024

EQUINOZIO DI PRIMAVERA - solo show - Galerie Slika Lyon 2024

a solo show by 108 - Guido Bisagni
Vernissage Jeudi 21 Mars de 18h à 21h
Exposition du 21 Mars au 04 Mai 2024
Galerie Slika - 25 RUE AUGUSTE COMTE - 69002 LYON

108 (Guido Bisagni) endosse le rôle de l’artiste comme un passeur spirituel. Inspiré des grands fondateurs de l’abstraction tel Hilma af Klint ou encore Vassily Kandinsky, la création ne se limite pas à des représentations de formes et figures reconnues mais bien l’expression d’un langage intérieur invisible à l’œil nu. Le peintre souhaite que son travail mène à une forme d’éveil pour le spectateur et lui-même. Créer devient une mission, l’artiste se doit de voir au-delà de nos perceptions habituelles, ouvrir de nouveaux portails, ressentir et exprimer la magie du monde.

​L’abstraction dépeinte par Guido Bisagni construit une œuvre mystique. Ses toiles s’inspirent de l’histoire religieuse occidentale aux travers de ses rituels et divinités. Chaque exposition devient alors une célébration de la nature et de l’homme. « Durant la journée et la nuit du 21 mars nous traversons la porte qui sépare la partie sombre de l’année de la partie lumineuse, les plantes recommencent à pousser et les fleurs commencent à fleurir. Les couleurs sont de retour. » nous explique l’artiste. Les œuvres de « EQUINOZIO DI PRIMAVERA » font les louanges de ce passage en équilibre de l’ombre à la lumière, les formes et couleurs cohabitent de manière rythmique et mélodique pour devenir une harmonie commémorative.

​Le noir sous sa forme flottante exprime une profondeur méditative qui recentre et permet une plénitude de l’esprit. Un état qui continue d’évoluer et de s’éveiller par l’association de couleurs et se propage bien au-delà de la toile pour nous envelopper entièrement. L’utilisation du rouge, du bleu et du gris nous fait penser aux éléments primaires : la terre, l’eau, l’air et le feu. Ils s’opposent, dialoguent puis s’unissent et renforcent ensemble le spectre spirituel de l’œuvre. Cette association à la fois immatérielle et minérale, aux teintes sombres et colorées, peut être perçue comme une reconnexion à la terre qui lorsque le printemps arrive, passe du sommeil à l’éveil.

Comme les maî de l’abstraction, Guido Bisagni est en perpétuelle recherche d’un équilibre entre formes et couleurs. Une construction picturale qui souhaite entrer en dialogue avec l’âme et permettre - à qui la regarde - de voyager aux travers des différentes dimensions spirituelles qui imprègnent toutes choses qui nous entourent.

giovedì 7 marzo 2024

Group show #lineapuntoplano in Madrid - Urvanity art fair with Swinton gallery.


La próxima semana Madrid es el epicentro mundial del arte. @swintongallery no se queda al margen y formará parte un año más de @uvnt_art . Para esta edición de 2024 hemos preparado una exposición colectiva que parte del libro de V. Kandinsky titulado “Punto y Línea sobre el plano” de 1926. Las teorías compositivas descritas en este libro se personalizan a la perfección en los tres artistas representados en esta exposición : 108 @108_108_108 , Olga de Dios @olgadedios_ y Sergio Gómez @srger.

Además contamos con una reflexión de Joaquín García Martín @eljoaquingarcia titulada “Unir las líneas de puntos” que no nos puede parece más acertada. Os dejamos aquí un fragmento:
“Punto, línea, plano, los tres elementos que conforman la pintura (occidental, heredera del Renacimiento industrializado y fordista) no serían por lo tanto sólo aspectos técnicos o visuales, sino también biográficos, sociales, económicos y políticos. La práctica artística vista (como debe de ser, como es) observada y vivida como resultado de la individualidad del creador. Después de todo el propio Kandinsky reivindica la practica pictórica como método de conocimiento interior del artista, que no realizaría esos puntos y lineas sobre el plano de una manera casual, sino como resultado de un trabajo que le conduce hacia la belleza interior. ”
¡Ojo, cambio de ubicación! Ven a visitarnos entre el 7 y el 10 de marzo en UVNT 2024, en una espectacular carpa instalada en la plaza central de Matadero Madrid, junto a la plaza de Legazpi. Te esperamos en el stand B15.
Nos vemos la semana que viene, ¡no te lo pierdas!
#swintongallery #contemporaryart #guidobisagni #olgadedios #srger #uvnt2024

martedì 5 marzo 2024

108: "Gates of memory" my first solo show in Japan!

GATES OF MEMORY, solo show by 108
Galeria Punto - Kobe - Japan
Opening March the 7th 2024

火・水 休廊

「Gates of memory」108



lunedì 9 ottobre 2023

Solo exhibition in Bodø, Norway.

To exhibition is open now in Bodø at Prosjekt67! 10 new paintings on paper, 2 little paintings on wood made inside the same space I used as studio during the week before the opening. One new large woodcut print I made with the great artist Are Andreassen!

Nordland fylkeskommune

lunedì 17 luglio 2023

Colab Gallery presents "Public Provocations" 2023 Group Exhibition

Colab Gallery presents "Public Provocations" 2023 Group Exhibition:

Schusterinsel 9
79576 Weil am Rhein - Friedlingen

Artists: 108 (IT) • Bartek Stypka (PL) • Cmp One (DK) • Lugosis (IT) • Muretz (BZ) • Poch (F) • Stefan Winterle (D) • Strato (IT) • Swet (DK)
"Public Provocations" is opening on Saturday, 10th. June, at 7pm and we are looking forward to seeing you there! 

KURATOR Stefan Winterle 
supported by Carhartt Work In Progress

domenica 28 maggio 2023

CLIC - Ekta, Erosie, Stephen Smith, 108. Group show in Eindhoven


You are kindly invited for the official opening of CLIC. A group show by Daniel Ekta Götesson (sw), 108 (it), Jeroen Erosie (nl) and Stephen Smith (uk).

In the week before the opening all artist will be in Eindhoven and working on this exhibition and on a collaborative mural.

‘Clic: a close group, a network of friends who from the beginning are never part of any other group’

Opening event
Friday June 2 2023, 19:00
Kelderman en van Noort / KEVN.
Kelderman en van Noort / KEVN.
Galileistraat 2. Eindhoven NL

More info about the artists:


+31(0)6 24 64 23 87

Galileistraat 2, Eindhoven
(tegenover station Strijp-S)

lunedì 16 gennaio 2023

“Todo es número” solo show in Madrid. Opening 27/01/2023.


SAVE THE DATE: January 27th:
NEW SHOW IN MADRID at the Swinton gallery ! The show will be titled “Todo es número” (Everything is number) and it’s the result of the artist’s exploration of the transcendent implications of numbers and mathematical structures in artistic expressions (all of them) and in the Reality we live in.

Swinton gallery is happy to invite everyone to enjoy a new solo show by @108_108_108 , the second one by the artist in our gallery.

The opening will take place on January 27th, from 19.00 to 21.00 h in the presence of the artist, and the show will be on view through March 11th 2023.

During the opening, a special zine by @108_108_108 titled “BLACK CELEBRATION “ , that has been published in collaboration with Dutch publisher @stickit_publishing ,will be released.

With the support of